Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Saturday, March 31, 2007

To Know you Let

I uploaded some photos from my adventures at the lakes today. I have discovered some new settings on my camera so I am continuing to play with those. Also, I am continuing to drop my camera, which might be why my camera is continuing to not work so well.

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by xcelr8r

Also, I changed my blogger photo. Daffy needed a rest and I needed to voice (in a pictorial way) my contemplation.


Well, Another Day

It was another great day; even here. To start with, was the remembrance of the Star's win last night; that was a good one. Also, the Star's won tonight as well. They stomped the Coyotes on Tuesday. I got to go to that game with a bunch of folks from the center.

But today was absolutely gorgeous outside. It may have still been wet, muddy, and you wanted to stay away from the creek today. Which was ok cause the Trinity River actually started to resemble a river.

At some point I got to break free today and head out fishing. I thought I would try something new so I hit up Mountain Creek Lake. It was a nice place. I took a bunch of pictures of the park and such. The fishing did not go so well though. So I headed over to Joe Pool Lake to finish up the day. I did not do so well there either but had a good time. The water was up quite a bit at Joe Pool and so a bunch of junk was up against the shore and the fish were even farther away.

But anyway, the day was great; the sunset even nicer.

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Up and away....

This afternoon I had 3 things planned. Of course I could get all done but still three I had on the menu. Well, none of them did I get to. As is my style, I keep myself open for whatever may come along the way. So today, as we were walking back from lunch something a bit different occurred. One of my comrades had an idea. This is quite a windy day so the idea of flying a kite was born. Off to the boutique, alas, but closed. No we do not quit there. On to the warehouse we trodded. They were open and of course have lots of odds and ends. We grabbed some supplies and headed to the place of housing the guests.

There we did not work out a plan for building a kite; we just started in on the building. Planning to a lesser degree just kind of folded out. We did wind up with a kite. It was no small labor for three of us guys. The women folk just knitted and hemmed the haw. Although, they did come out to see our maiden flight.

So, ready for some high flying, we launched our kite into the sky.... and then shortly picked it up off of the ground. An act which was ritually repeated. This was interspersed with making modifications to the kite. We almost had it up flying steady a few times. But the string would invaribly break at such a juncture No professional kiting on the horizon for us. We still had a resplinded afternoon. Not much can compare indeed. Though met not with existential success, we three felt like kings. And again in the future may once again take our ingenuity to the skies.

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So...Uhhh.. Okay

Well, things are rolling along in a sense. Time marches on for sure. But it is trampling on me. I thought that a 20 week semester would not be too bad. I was wrong. When I found out that we did not have a spring break, I also thought that it was not bad. Again, I was wrong. I am past the point of quitting. If I was not so tired or worn out I would be gone. Oh well, but trudge on I will until the bridge gives way. At least to a point. I need to find something else after this semester.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

More Things That I ...

Here is another great comic about such things that I am studying. Also, I do like our language sometimes. This one is pretty interesting and from what I hear (from other people) kind of like talking to me.

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Another Reminder

I just could not pass up this one. This life live is so wonderful, it it not?

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tis That Time of Year

Well it is that time of year once again. Seems like just last year that springtime was marked on the calendar. So the Earth comes to life once again from a beautiful, lively winter. Then there is another holiday on the calendar, Easter. Yeah for the candy and the bunny and stuff. Oh wait, is there something else? How could I forget! It is another chance to celebrate Americanism or Capitalism depending upon your own personal beliefs. Yes not since Valentines day have we been so determined to buy useless candy and gifts and throw around useful phrases pomp. Patrick's day (this weekend or something) has tried to close the gap but just has not been able to generate the sales of useless green stuff. Now, I think that there may be something else that links these holidays...Holy-days; of course not these days are not holy. Oh wait, Saint Patrick, Saint Patrick, and the Resurrection of Christ. Almost forgot.

Here is a good video. It is a bit loud and conservative at the beginning but do not let that scare you. It seems almost pluralistic at the ending.


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Monday, March 12, 2007

Weather, Time and Fish

Well, spring is here, kind of. It does seem that we have sprung forward in time at least. But that only come through effort. After all these years of technology, the auto time shift has been achieved on clocks and computers. So now, the time change date has been altered and back into chaos we go. I have to change the time manually. No big deal right? Well, in a week or two when the normal time for time changing comes, my auto time changing will kick in. Then I will have to set time manually again; which means that I have set the time twice as opposed to once when we had less technology. Much fun!

Back to springtime fun. I got a chance to go fishing this weekend. I was blessed with enough money for a fishing license, which is quite a lot of dough in this state. I cannot get over it costing a whole lot less to get an out-of-country license in Netherlands though. But anyway, like they say, nothing is free.

I had a great time just being outdoors in the almost 90 degree weather. Of course the requisite sunburn was achieved. Only caught one small fish that I tossed back. I also had to drive around the lake to find a spot that did not cost to fish at. Which is another point of contention but I will let that one slide for now because most, if not all lakes in Texas at least have one free area.

I posted some pics from my outing this weekend.

object in picture may appear much smaller

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Ddaaaaaayy

Well, it seems that my semester at school is half over today. I almost feel like cheering. But then I think of how I barely survived this long and groan. Spring Break, it was fun the past six years that I got to take one at other schools. But this school feels that if you have a 20 week semester, then you really do not need a break. Anyway, tomorrow will be a fun day. Back to classes after no break. Back to classes that are equally tough in the same way. The auditory part of my brain will get a much needed break. That is unless I decide to learn another language.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

We are Sooooo Blessed

We are so very blessed. Not only in this world but moreso in this country. Look around and see the many things that abound. We have so much and then some. Most of us can atest to it that we have what we need and then more.

We not only should be thankful but sharing. However, we are not doing quite as much as that. Unfortunately, along with all of our richness we do have abject poverty in our own country. Do we stamp that out? No. So then it follows suit that we do not try to end such things in other countries. But the Lord does not allow our unwillingness to stop His work. In the countries that do not have what we have, people make sacrifices for His sake. Addie, a lady in Mexico, sold her furniture for money to use in bringing God's Word to people. Other folks (many of them) in poorer countries are sacrficing and sending missionaries to other countries. But we,.....?

Finnish pigeon

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Don't Get me Wrong

click for largeness

As stated, do not get me wrong. In many ways I am a lot like the loveable Ruthie. Of course everyone loves Ruthie. Well, on this side of the comic strip they do. On her side, which Ruthie considers the real world, that is not the case. As here, many folks do not like me for being like Ruthie. If only I could jump into a comic strip my work would be all but complete. In this episode, Ruthie is in no way trying to be a jerk, negative, critical, sarcastic, or any host of other things she may have been termed as. She just does not understand this world that is being built up in front of her eyes. So of course we all find that loveable as long as it is over there, right? So Ruthie does not understand the world! She is not wrong though. She did not get tossed into the oven did she? Despite it all Ruthie just keeps plugging along being only what she can be: Ruthie

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Thursday, March 01, 2007


the pace is so deafening
threatening the mind
the wake of the frightening

to the endzone run
walk up the hill to defeat
stopping for the goal
changing pace to get the gold
losing for the blood bought ground

It's March fools day... Just kidding.

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