Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Friday, March 30, 2007

Up and away....

This afternoon I had 3 things planned. Of course I could get all done but still three I had on the menu. Well, none of them did I get to. As is my style, I keep myself open for whatever may come along the way. So today, as we were walking back from lunch something a bit different occurred. One of my comrades had an idea. This is quite a windy day so the idea of flying a kite was born. Off to the boutique, alas, but closed. No we do not quit there. On to the warehouse we trodded. They were open and of course have lots of odds and ends. We grabbed some supplies and headed to the place of housing the guests.

There we did not work out a plan for building a kite; we just started in on the building. Planning to a lesser degree just kind of folded out. We did wind up with a kite. It was no small labor for three of us guys. The women folk just knitted and hemmed the haw. Although, they did come out to see our maiden flight.

So, ready for some high flying, we launched our kite into the sky.... and then shortly picked it up off of the ground. An act which was ritually repeated. This was interspersed with making modifications to the kite. We almost had it up flying steady a few times. But the string would invaribly break at such a juncture No professional kiting on the horizon for us. We still had a resplinded afternoon. Not much can compare indeed. Though met not with existential success, we three felt like kings. And again in the future may once again take our ingenuity to the skies.

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