Don't Get me Wrong

As stated, do not get me wrong. In many ways I am a lot like the loveable Ruthie. Of course everyone loves Ruthie. Well, on this side of the comic strip they do. On her side, which Ruthie considers the real world, that is not the case. As here, many folks do not like me for being like Ruthie. If only I could jump into a comic strip my work would be all but complete. In this episode, Ruthie is in no way trying to be a jerk, negative, critical, sarcastic, or any host of other things she may have been termed as. She just does not understand this world that is being built up in front of her eyes. So of course we all find that loveable as long as it is over there, right? So Ruthie does not understand the world! She is not wrong though. She did not get tossed into the oven did she? Despite it all Ruthie just keeps plugging along being only what she can be: Ruthie
Labels: contemplative, life, truth
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