Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Monday, February 12, 2007

Jumalateenistus Avec Psalmos

And to think of things that boggle the mind. The Psalms are divine ryhmes of praise and inspiration. Well, in the original Hebrew they were. They were not just read aloud in that confused monotone speech that one might hear it in now. No, in the Hebrew they are versed to be sung or in a singing-like manner. Most folks maintain that this cannot be translated over into other languages. Study the Bible in school and that is what you hear. But some folks just do not listen. Brenda Boerger has done some wonderful translating over into English of the Psalms. She is not the only one to translate Biblical Poetry into other languages. But she did share in Chapel today and then later in an academic forum go into more the details of translating them. It was great to sing out the Psalms in a meaningful manner that was relevant to the original meaning.

Some folks are up for a challenge. Sometimes that challenge just pays off. And sometimes it may not seem like the challenge is going anywhere but to bury you. But seeing the goodness of some endeavors is good enough to cause one to look up and push on through and the unimaginable.


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