We are Sooooo Blessed
We are so very blessed. Not only in this world but moreso in this country. Look around and see the many things that abound. We have so much and then some. Most of us can atest to it that we have what we need and then more.
We not only should be thankful but sharing. However, we are not doing quite as much as that. Unfortunately, along with all of our richness we do have abject poverty in our own country. Do we stamp that out? No. So then it follows suit that we do not try to end such things in other countries. But the Lord does not allow our unwillingness to stop His work. In the countries that do not have what we have, people make sacrifices for His sake. Addie, a lady in Mexico, sold her furniture for money to use in bringing God's Word to people. Other folks (many of them) in poorer countries are sacrficing and sending missionaries to other countries. But we,.....?

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