Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Monday, July 30, 2007

What I Hope..

Well, I hope to go and come and live to come and go again.
Also I hope that it does not rain while I am not here. Neither here nor there.
Sunshine, is always nice; except for those times when it is not.
Good time.

more hope..

At any rate, I will see what befalls me when I get to Amsterdam again.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Word on the Street is..

Well, as usual nothing much is going on. Yet somehow I seem to keep busy and tired. So, still doing pretty much nothing but not for long. I thankfully soon will be back in Amsterdam. I am looking forward to this and have been since last year about this time.

And around here, we have had a few sunny days. Hopefully that will continue but the rain still seems to loom overhead. The rivers are high and cannot hold much more.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fun at the Bookstore

So, another day with nothing better to do. I headed down to the bookstore, the big one with the coffee shop in it. It was cool to browse the multitude of publications. I found an interesting book. It was a picture book of people and their guns in their homes. I got quite a hoot out of that one. I was also surprised that the social sciences section was code the codeword for the gay section.

I was looking for a dutch pronunciation book in the language section. Shockingly, I did not find one. There was an Iraqi phrasebook but no Dutch book. What's with that? Maybe the publishers know that unless you want Dutch citizenship (which is harder to get than an immigration bill in America) you do not need to know that the Dutch even have a language.

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Here It Is...

The new iphone is something else. There seems top be a lot of hype about it. But is it really as much as teh media portrays? Probably. But to put it all into perspecitve I saw a comic in the paper that does just that way better than even I could.

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