Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

White in the Red Light District

I watched a show on the travel channel the other day. I usually only watch when it is a place that I have already been. They had Amsterdam on the show that day. They showed some of the various sights and things to do around town. They gave a nice tour of one of the museums. Also, they went to a very nice place that was not even in Amsterdam. I guess when you go somewhere, you can go somewhere else while you are there. Then... they got around to the prostitution. This is the most white-washed talk about prostitution that I have ever heard. Two nice, respectable ladies were walking around a nice, safe looking part of the Red-light District, discussing the finer points of the business. The American, of course, pointed out the fine revenue brought by way of taxation. (Didn't Americans once rebel against taxation by a monarchy?) The Dutch lady, not from Amsterdam, indicated that she was quite glad they had prostitution. Some of the things they said were actually lies. Some folks have no principles. I, on the other hand, have more than my fair share. Well, we have prostitution in my fine city. It's just not legal.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Whelm is a weird sort of a word. Folks usually do not use the word very much if at all. Underwhelmed is also not used with a frequency. On the other hand, overwhelmed is used quite frequently. In fact, many folks feel this way often, if not sooner. There is this great song, I believe that it is titled Overwhelmed. It is along the lines of Hungry, another song that lots of folks like. These songs stick with you. They speak to us on a certain level that we are not often versed on. We, as people, are often times overwhelmed with the things around us. We are also downright hungry for something that we can never find in this world. Why do we create and perpetuate all of these things that just overwhelm us? Nobody likes to be overwhelmed with the things of this world. Yet we insist upon it. A classic example is the VCR. It may be behind the times now but it was once prominent. Everyone wanted one of these devices. And they wanted one that could do all kinds of stuff. More kept coming out with larger repertoire. So folks wanted and obtained these devices. But they were overwhelmed upon trying to program the devices to do such things. On and on it goes.

The thing about Overwhelmed is that it speaks to what overwhelmed actually is and what it should be. It is something, well incomprehensible. The VCR, however, is not. Somebody thought it up and made it. Someone else thought of more goodies for it and made another one. Then someone came along and thought of an even better idea that pushed VCRs out of the way. Obviously, VCRs and other manmade things are not so incomprehensible. Yet we persist to let them dupe us as such. What is overwhelming? The creation of all that we know. How? That has perplexed people throughout the ages. Think of the Creator and all of His majesty. Then think of the simplest of things that He does. That is overwhelming.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

¸What's Happening¿

I wanted to see how the other half lived; well, very much like me. For some reason I could not get on the internet at the rest area on the other side of the interstate. But I found that there is an animal genetics lab behind the rest area. They have a bunch of weird animals running around. There are some animals that are almost exactly like deer but different colors. Then there is an animal that looks like a coyote crossed with a deer and a cotton-tail rabbit. The zebra looks normal but last time I checked they come from a different continent.

I think that I am getting wiser in the ways of the force. I can make people think that I am a jerk without even trying. Normally it would come through minutes or even seconds of indifference. However, the other day, when in a fast food restaurant on Bourbon street, I made the folks think I was a jerk without doing anything. I ordered, payed, and then waited patiently. They served everyone else that walked in but not me. I just waited patiently. I did not even approach them. I waited for them to ask me why I was still waiting. I was trying to be nice actually. Even then they thought I was a jerk. It makes me feel like ultra powerful or something. I think that next I may try to see if I am impervious to bullets. I showed my receipt and stated that I wanted my burger. They did not want to give it to me but they got frustrated, said some cross words, and gave it to me anyway. Pretty soon I will piss people off while not being anywhere near them or involved in the situation. Then, who can withstand me?

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I just got back from New Orleans. That great city near the Gulf, under the sea. I had a great time there. I got to get around and see a bit of the town. Also I spent some time in the infamous French Quarter. It is very nice and fun to visit. The architecture is great and lots of art, food, and such. It is interesting to glimpse into the history of New Orleans. There are distinct differences between the different sections of the city. Apparently from the days when folks could not get together. So they just stuck to their own parts of the town. Even they have a neutral ground Such great times in the city. I might go back one of these days when I score some money.

Also I got to tour the facility where the large fuel tank is made for the space shuttles. It was very cool to see the construction of that. It is quite large and much goes into it.

I will post more about New Orleans later and add my pictures.

Vet's Day

Well, today is Veteran's Day. This extends to parts around the world as well cause we ain't the only ones that acknowledge the sacrifices made to keep a free society. Albeit our society is far from perfect or ideal, it would be much worse without such sacrifices from men and women. So bid a Happy Veterans Day to a veteran. Trust me, it means far more than you think..

Yesterday was also a great day as far as military speaking. It is the only day that is not my birthday that being wished Happy Birthday actually means something. Said day is the Marine Corps Birthday. We were born in no other than a tavern so one of course celebrates accordingly.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Folks really claim to like unbiased news reports and the like. But do we really? and Is it really that great? I think not. I just read a paper where there was not really much bias that matters. There were articles from all over the place. You read about this small community getting more conservative. Then you turn the page and read about that same community getting less conservative. Neither one is particularly praised or condemned. Stop the Insanity I want to read a paper by folks who think like me. If folks are getting crazy loose, I want the article to paint it as such not just report on it. What disgusts me more than people becoming morally looser, is the people that watch it, shrug, and walk away like it is okay or something.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Just watched the Bible in a one man, one act performance. It was quite good. It had a great thread throughout (no pun intended). It is a great look at the Bible and the message thereof. The stories are not disconnected. This man chose to show that by way of a garment. We started out with a garment and through time more garments were worn. Through each one, we see ourselves and God. This was done by Steven Mosley; check out his site. You can download a short part of the presentation.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Well they say change is inevitable...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fall, eh

Well, fall is supposedly here. That means wondering if fall is here yet. Well, that did not stop the Fall Festival at our church on the recent hallowed day. It was a great time to be back at work for something good. I enjoy this stuff no matter which part of the world it is in. So I guess that it is nice when it is a couple minutes down the road. Of course I was on the other side of the 2nd town over so I have to leave early and drive a bit to get there. It is enjoyable to see our church and the community come together. Also, it was wonderful to see the kids running around. They have all kinds of energy at 8 in the evening. Where does it come from; they have not gotten into the candy yet? Oh, well good times now and even better times on the way.