
Whelm is a weird sort of a word. Folks usually do not use the word very much if at all. Underwhelmed is also not used with a frequency. On the other hand, overwhelmed is used quite frequently. In fact, many folks feel this way often, if not sooner. There is this great song, I believe that it is titled Overwhelmed. It is along the lines of Hungry, another song that lots of folks like. These songs stick with you. They speak to us on a certain level that we are not often versed on. We, as people, are often times overwhelmed with the things around us. We are also downright hungry for something that we can never find in this world. Why do we create and perpetuate all of these things that just overwhelm us? Nobody likes to be overwhelmed with the things of this world. Yet we insist upon it. A classic example is the VCR. It may be behind the times now but it was once prominent. Everyone wanted one of these devices. And they wanted one that could do all kinds of stuff. More kept coming out with larger repertoire. So folks wanted and obtained these devices. But they were overwhelmed upon trying to program the devices to do such things. On and on it goes.
The thing about Overwhelmed is that it speaks to what overwhelmed actually is and what it should be. It is something, well incomprehensible. The VCR, however, is not. Somebody thought it up and made it. Someone else thought of more goodies for it and made another one. Then someone came along and thought of an even better idea that pushed VCRs out of the way. Obviously, VCRs and other manmade things are not so incomprehensible. Yet we persist to let them dupe us as such. What is overwhelming? The creation of all that we know. How? That has perplexed people throughout the ages. Think of the Creator and all of His majesty. Then think of the simplest of things that He does. That is overwhelming.
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