Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stop Lying...

Check this out, funny and true. Just the way I like it.

The link should work if the embed is not.

Owen Benjamin Presents on C-Spot Ep. 1 - LOL

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

To Wit, What Now?

It seems that I constantly wonder what I am doing. No matter what new endeavor I wind up on I still stop and wonder just what I am doing. So I deduce that I might as well stay at what I am doing until I move on cause the same result will happen in the next adventure. One birthday has ticked off for me and I... must stop talking about that wondering thing.

Some good stuff is that I have finally been able to move to Dallas. And I was quite fortunate enough to get a nice place in a neighborhood that I oft hang out in. Slowly I get furniture in my apartment but still it is good (as far as I know cause I do not have time to think about it). Things have been quite busy for me lately. Classes 5 days a week; I had to take a 5 hour test on Saturday.

I will keep trudging on and someday (soon actually) I will be Mr. Brittain.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Finally, Pictures

Well, I finally got some pictures uploaded. I will eventually post some more as interesting things happen. There are quite a bit to peruse now. Hopefully, I will get a new camera and can take some better pictures. These are from my garden, so enjoy. Click the Spring Flowers link to see the pictures in a bigger window; they look better that way.

Spring Flowers


Sunday, June 01, 2008


far be it from me to see it
but a girl who has the world
should not at all ever
be in a situation whereas
she might be inclined slightly
to in the very least
come close to shedding a tear

she should be stately majesty
as I deem her in proper domain
which is everywhere and everlasting
soaring over the mountains
rising up from the sea
giving life from the birth
air from the foliage

this one is wonderful
this one is life but for me she resides apart
and I look on to not see reveille in beauty
but her in such undeserved sadness

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