Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ohh, More Dutch

So today I had some time to cruise back to the library. I checked out the rest of that place. It was quite nice, the cafe at the top is a cafeteria complete with a bar. Now altogether, I would say that this place is a little less a library than most libraries. At any rate, it is a nice place to hang out. This particular day about half of the computers were not working. Also, I was unable to figure out the Dutch way of organizing their books. And their English search page returns Dutch entries, some help. However, I do feel better to at least know that they have books. I had a nice relaxing time there after getting over the broken computers and confusing cataloging system.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What the... Wait a Minute

Well, more fun (or something) ensues in Amsterdam for myself. Having a free afternoon, I decided to go down to the new main library. I have heard some good things about this place. Of course, nary a word about books have I heard. Even as I have been sitting here and walking about, I have not yet seen the books that you would think that would be in a library. But, most certainly they must be around here somewhere. They do have hundreds (literaly) of magazines and a few scores of newspapers; some in other languages (and formats unfortunately). There are also countless cd's and dvd's. They have a bunch of computers and even some mac's.

But I am not here to review this 7-story plex of information. One can check this article about the library. This caused me to think and then say a "What the f#@!" It speaks of this library and some of the offereings being somewhat geared towards the folks of Amsterdam. But I am looking out and see the red light district. Come on people, this is your city. How can they just ignore that and present themselves as not having that big, ugly mole on their forehead? Just what do the people of this city care about all of this mind enhancing stuff in this library.

I could go on about that complexing stuff but I will not. But there is something more important. That something is not about this skin we find ourselves in nor the power of the mind. Truly, it involves the spirit deep within that extends beyond this short life we find ourselves immersed into and focused on. Will they see it and grasp life?

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tall Men, Short Men, and Us

I have been reading The Old Curiousity Shop. It is a pretty good book. It has gotten me to thinking. Which is one reason why I like reading such books. I was reading in chapter 19 about giants and dwarves. This chapter is in an overnight house where mostly performing type men have gathered. They were discussing aging giants and what is done with them along the lines of the business. Many folks turned out back in the day to see giants and other oddities at the travelling shows and the like. These days, maybe the bearded lady and the fat guy at the fair but even those are somewhat cliche nowadays. As a people we probably feel that we have moved on past the stage of paying to see these freaks do mundane or extraordinary things. But the story conjures up an interesting thought.

Have we really changed as a people? Maybe, it is just that giants and dwarves have been let out in the common. We all have seen them around doing the same things that we do. They are no longer oddities that we pay to see. This is just something to think on as we still may have these tendencies within ourselves. So, as we approach people that do not fit into the normal molds of our society, let us too think of this.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It seems good to be back.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another One Down

So lately I have been tired of not having stuff to do. When I work at three I have to find stuff to fill my day. When I get off at three, my mind is totally blown with what to do then. So I went and did something that I have been wanting to do since the first time I was in Amsterdam. I went to the Kalvertoren, so I also got a chance to tour another mall. It felt to accomplish some things that I have wanted to do. Also, it assuaged the boredom a bit. I walked up the stairs to the top of the toren. I was stoked to go to a viewing deck. Unfortunately, there was a cafe up there :( The Dutch, I should have known.

So then I went down to the Museumplein. It was good to hang out there. Also, it was good to hope that I could get a shot of something that one would actually want to take a picture of without having gobs of people on it. That did not happen so I thought that I would tale a picture of the back of the object of desire but that too ended in defeat.

So, the Bible Museum was pretty cool. There is some great, inspiring art there. Also, there are some models of the Temples and the Tabernacle there along with some old Bible translations. The garden was also quite nice. There was a chair there with some ropes emanating from it all over the garden. I'm thinking that it represents the Mercy Seat.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Dazed Again?

Well, it seems that one week has peeled by. It has been many things this week. The jet-lag seemes to occupy a major part of myself like never before. Also right off the bat I was training for reception. This is an interesting place but can rock you from lull to voluminous quickly. Also I have been getting to see many old friends. I've seen more than I expected so that is very cool. Also it is cool hanging with the folks around here. But still may feel a bit tired.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Travel Again

Again I was able to bike around. I went to the Zaan area on my day off. It waz cool to be there again in the countryside and the large peaceful parks. It was raining over at the Zaanse Schans but still cool.

Also I saw this snail. Thought that it was cool.



Friday, August 03, 2007

Here We Are Again

Well, I made it again to the Shelter in Amsterdam again. I have already seen some friendly faces and the like. I also have discovered that my watch did not work when I went to set it. That's all of my watches that are not functioning. Though I am glad to be here, I still long to be in Estonia again this summer. Always my heart is torn between the two places. But this summer they are doing three times the work in Estonia so I feel there as I pray for my friends.
