Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Monday, July 16, 2007

Word on the Street is..

Well, as usual nothing much is going on. Yet somehow I seem to keep busy and tired. So, still doing pretty much nothing but not for long. I thankfully soon will be back in Amsterdam. I am looking forward to this and have been since last year about this time.

And around here, we have had a few sunny days. Hopefully that will continue but the rain still seems to loom overhead. The rivers are high and cannot hold much more.

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At 4:14 PM, Blogger Marco said...

When will you be in Amsterdam? Make sure to swing by the Jordan -- I do night shifts there now. Or come to the Saturday brunches at Harald's, because I'm always there (I live in the same building).

Looking forward to seeing you again.


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