Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sad Times...

Sad times abound as the title denotes. The sad times may not end terrestrially, but always we will not here be stuck.

Who knows of the things, ways, and times of this world?
Certainly not I, nor none that I know of.
But, ther is hope and life to carry on in one that is know of.
Thankful of that I am.
Praying that all may know I without ceasing do.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007


Who needs speculaas when you have Dutch windmill cookies???

I was at the store tonight, really just taking a break from that term paper. And as I perused the cookies I saw it. Dutch windmill cookies. Had to drop those other cookies and get those. Do they taste like speculaas? No, and I did not expect them to either. But they taste ok and since I am not in Holland, they'll do quite nicely.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well, Life and Stuff

So, it is a bit over a year since I graduated. Shortly after that I hopped on out to Shelter City in Amsterdam. Well, though I have left and returned there a few times since, I still am not.... well what I do not know. I just know that I have not really acclimated to being back home. Life being difficult does not seem to help matters. I seem to think that things may be better for me back in Amsterdam. At least at the Willemstraat you knew what to expect (whether you liked it or not). Though things were a bit rough, I believe that I was most sure of myself while being there. I felt like I was doing something. Here I feel like I am just aimlessly passing time with nothing better to do than fret intermittently with disconnection.

I am not at all sure what is soon to come for me, but the verdict is that I would rather be in Amsterdam. (don't get me wrong, I still love Estonia and if I felt that I had a place there I would long to be there as well)

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Well, What you do Know

So, well, some folks define themselves by what they believe in. I like to define myself at times by what I do not believe in. Sometimes this can present a tricky predicament. This weekend I not only saw a Wii, but played it and got to know it a bit. I have been maintaining that the Wii does not actually exist. That nobody knows exactly what is in the box but it is some regular system with some cool input devices There are of course display models that do not have a controller or any way to play them. But know, having played one, I at a loss of what to do or believe. But I think that I will still have to go with the position that the Wii does not exist. It is easier to believe in the impossible than to change yourself anyway. And the impossible, well, just feels comfortable.

PS: The sad thing about this weekend and the Wii is the occasion on which I played it. My nephew received one for his birthday. Now I have wanted one of these for a while cause when I first heard about it, I of course believes in its forthcoming existence. But I have not been receiving one, whereas my nephew being 23 years my junior has one... What a life. Where is the justice? (rhetorical question)

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Ain't That the Truth

click for more things that they do not want you to know

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Oh So Great A Day

This is another good one that I could not resist. It is both true and funny. Now if only I could get one of those smiling gigs so I could whittle away my loan.

click to donate to my student loan fund


Sunday, May 13, 2007


This is one is for all of the moms and mothers... You'll get it in by the time you get the book joke.

now that is funny

now that is funny

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Now I Know

It happened to me today. At supper I had to wait a bit for the rice to become fully cooked. The significance you might ask? (well if you actually read this then you would) Many times have people had to wait for my rice and in some circumstances other goodies from me. This evening the shoe was on the other foot and so I walked a mile in that shoe.

But enough about me. Check out this pic. This is space saving to the third degree. I thought that those Dutch had the corner on space saving on the real estate but Korea is dogging them out.
See me.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


This is what I should be. I must work on this.

Try to be this in all that you do.

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Monday, May 07, 2007


This is a good post from a local blogger. It relates the unique struggles of those who live in and care for Dallas.

Read On


Friday, May 04, 2007


This was pretty cool so I had nothing better to do. Cause I have nothing better to do. It is a funny one and it also reminds me of a Get Fuzzy from a few years back. Names can be cool and a nuisance if you let it.

more clicky = more largey


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Butterflies = God is Cool

Well this may seem like an odd topic to peruse. Especially since I should be studying for the midterm that I have in the morning. Fortunately, I am not worshiping watching Idol like a lot of other folks. I am deciding to blog about the greatness of our Lord. Of course, I would rather study or watch paint dry than that Idol thing anyway.

Butterflies, most people like them. In fact, the environment is full of them right now. All kinds of butterflies are all over the place around this neck of the woods. However, some big storm rolled through town a bit earlier. The wind gusted up to about 70 mph or so, higher in some places. As such, trees were blown over and apart. Mailboxes gained temporary flight status and some trailers were blown off of the highway. Also, some houses lost their roofs. But, as we all know, the caterpillar cocoons himself in the beginning of spring. They bond the tip of themselves rather tightly to whatever surface they happen upon. I was amazed after some of the storms last week at how the cocooned caterpillar was still attached and undamaged. But even more so I am amazed after this storm. The wind blew quite hard. Water was blown into the house through any small crevice. But the butterfly in waiting is still firmly attached. The Lord is wonderful. Butterflies are quite beautiful. And God has made them such that even the high winds do not keep the cocooned caterpillar from not fulfilling its task. God put some amazingly strong bonding action into the cocooning process of the caterpillar. It is only attached in a very small area and the rest of the cocoon hangs down.

So, God provides richly for the butterflies. How much then do you think that He will provide for us, whom God also created? The caterpillar trusts its instinct and cocoons itself and then becomes a butterfly even through the bitterest of storms. We, sometimes leave off of this simple thinking to trust in ourselves. We know exactly where this has gotten us. On the other hand, trusting in God gets us riches that we cannot even measure. Like the butterfly. We still trust God to provide us with beautiful butterflies, and He does.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Still in Doubt

This is a pretty cool video. This life that we live is so great. So great that even rejected game ideas for a system that is just an urban legend is still cool. So, check it out, then laugh, but above all remember that the Wii is just a myth. Also remember that some folks think that video games and anything else video are the ruin of society, and if they had their way they would be gone. Then what would we do? And if the people on the other end have their way, we will be up a creek that we do not own anymore without a paddle in a leaky boat. So, just live life up.

The makers of this video do not assert that Wii is a reality.

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