Well this may seem like an odd topic to peruse. Especially since I should be studying for the midterm that I have in the morning. Fortunately, I am not
worshiping watching Idol like a lot of other folks. I am deciding to blog about the greatness of our Lord. Of course, I would rather study or watch paint dry than that Idol thing anyway.
Butterflies, most people like them. In fact, the environment is full of them right now. All kinds of butterflies are all over the place around this neck of the woods. However, some big storm rolled through town a bit earlier. The wind gusted up to about 70 mph or so, higher in some places. As such, trees were blown over and apart. Mailboxes gained temporary flight status and some trailers were blown off of the highway. Also, some houses lost their roofs. But, as we all know, the caterpillar cocoons himself in the beginning of spring. They bond the tip of themselves rather tightly to whatever surface they happen upon. I was amazed after some of the storms last week at how the cocooned caterpillar was still attached and undamaged. But even more so I am amazed after this storm. The wind blew quite hard. Water was blown into the house through any small crevice. But the butterfly in waiting is still firmly attached. The Lord is wonderful. Butterflies are quite beautiful. And God has made them such that even the high winds do not keep the cocooned caterpillar from not fulfilling its task. God put some amazingly strong bonding action into the cocooning process of the caterpillar. It is only attached in a very small area and the rest of the cocoon hangs down.
So, God provides richly for the butterflies. How much then do you think that He will provide for us, whom God also created? The caterpillar trusts its instinct and cocoons itself and then becomes a butterfly even through the bitterest of storms. We, sometimes leave off of this simple thinking to trust in ourselves. We know exactly where this has gotten us. On the other hand, trusting in God gets us riches that we cannot even measure. Like the butterfly. We still trust God to provide us with beautiful butterflies, and He does.
Labels: life, truth, weather