Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Sunday, April 29, 2007

More Things

Might as well talk about Gullible Warning. Cause that is what it is. But that not being the point. Normally I would just point out such things and then move on. But I feel like sidestepping my problems so I will then concentrate on a made-up problem. Someone else has conveniently made-up a problem for me that most folks are versed with. That saves me from creating one that nobody would understand anyway. Enjoy another Fuzzy episode. Just remember, Fuzzy harped on telemarketers back in the day as well. And just look, they call less and stuff cause we have more technology or whatever. So maybe one day we will have more technology to block out the annoying wolf cries about Global Uncooling.

click to turn on all of the lights in the internet

Name the Quote:
"My problems. Well let's just not worry about my problems."

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Ding Dong the Duck is Dead

Sorry if you are offended by the title. Just strikes me as odd. Where I went to school the local duck outshined the schools mascot. Everyone knew the duck but not everyone knew the mascot. In fact, articles have even been written in the paper about the duck. I could say more but I will silence in memoriam of the ducks.

Ok that darn global warming, while ridiculous, is quite funny. Here are some pointers for Al Gore and Sheryl Crow....


And here is my response to whatever they come up with after that.

large more click

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So Long

Going to miss you, Mars Global Surveyor. It has been a good decade with you. But unfortunately I hear that a good thing cannot last forever. I guess that is good news for me. Too many Mars crafts have been lost. Furthermore, way too many due to human error. I mean come on folks! Especially after the metric/standard thing you could have pulled your heads out of the clouds. But I guess not. Well, there are still more crafts in and around Mars believe it or not. Maybe they upgrade their Scientist OS and keep these things from happening. NASA has been having a lot of personnel problems lately. Well, if you had hired me, then things might not be so bad.


You can check the above link out if you wish. I was trying to put a picture in but blog systems (not just this one) seem to be having some major problems.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Day to Bee Happy

It would appear that something unfortunate is happening to the North American bee population. They seem to not be returning to their hives. Some are even dying off. Currently undecided is where to place the blame. Some blame cell phones. I guess just because it is in the news as killing people off too. Scientists call this one quite a bogus guess. Another guess is adverse affects from feeding the bees corn syrup. Which is exactly the stuff that is in half of the foods that are consumed in North America. Coincidently enough, this stuff may be killing off people as well. Scientists are also unsure as to this being the cause due to the fact that bees fed a normal diet exhibit affects as well.

Since nobody can find an avenue to place the blame, I will assign it. Global Warming! Yes, it is that simple. Global Warming is to blame for what has been happening to the poor, slaved-out bees in North America. It is not a strike due to outsourcing some honey operations to 3rd World Countries. It is Global Warming which is to blame for every weather pattern. Since we are placing blame, the Stars lost last night due to Global Warming.

It is that simple folks...

Check this out. Another funny funny.

click for largerness

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Funny Sunday Cont.

Sunday is a good day for some folks to go to church. That is the old. Lately the place to go is the Buddhist Temple. It is a great place to hang out with and meet Cambodians. Whereas they do not have a regular weekly service events do occasionally occur. Today was a memorial service of sorts. I am not sure if it has a particular label or not. But it was the 100-day celebration of death of a person. Folks just came together to have a good time and some good food (sounds quite Baptist actually). It was a great time, learned some stuff. And, the Temple was open again with more of the monks chanting. No incense this time though, maybe next time.


A Funny Sunday

Not so much sunshine outside today. But there is plenty inside the Society pages of the paper. I have below placed a few excerpts that exemplify certain great aspects of this that we term as life.

The first will relate why it is not good to converse with cats. Not because they are ornery but because of the language barrier.

Yes, bring out the thesaurus. The duck responds to what the pig said, not what he meant. Love it. Of course I probably will not love it so much when I get around to taking Semantics and Pragmatics.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Math is Important Afterall

Without the joys of math, Drabble would not have been able to determine that his 30 minutes would be better spent on the couch. Drink life up to the fullest.

click me for more

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Mas New Year

Happy New Year, again.
Well, it seems that the new year just keeps popping up. What is the deal with that?
Does everyone just celebrate it on a different day cause that's how it turned out? Or is it something more sinister? Ethnocentrism. Does everyone just want to be different as in better? Each group would claim to have the rights on the new year. Since the new year is abstract and man-made then should not the ones who invented the scheme then determine the start date. And as such, there would only be one proper New Year on the calendar.

More and to the point. Yesterday I, along with many others, went to the local Buddhist Temple to celebrate the Cambodian New Year. We had a great time. This is the kind of New Year celebration that the rest of us would have if the new year were in spring. We had music, popular Cambodian of course, food, more food, incense, so much that you had trouble breathing even outdoors, and yes even chanting and the like. The chanting was broadcast so it provided a nice backdrop to the event. There was a new shrine (a mausoleum) and some other shrines set up for the event. Also, there was a large Buddha, though construction not quite complete. Away from the temple buildings was where the real celebration was; the afore mentioned food and music. Lots of folks, not just Cambodians, were having a great time.

It was good times. Though the new year celebration is passed, I will be spending more time at the temple. Maybe more fun can be had and some new friends made. Also, I may figure out those chants and gain some enlightenment.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

More of Funny

Here is some more taylor-made funny. It seems that these days this is all that I have. Unless you consider how Imus was dealt with, but then funny is about the only thing that is not.

Ruthanne is at it again with her inquisitions. However, our language is at its best again as well as our own 'training.' It makes sense to 'us.' But not to those of us who are in-tune like Ruthanne.

click for more large

I just could not resist this one. Engineers of course rule and all that stuff. If you do not understand... Do not forget to aspire.

click for less small

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mas Funny

Ohh, that Ruthie. This is another great funny of our language.

click for largeness

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Spring is Back

After a short hiatus, spring has returned to Texas. We welcome it back with appreciation. The sun and warmth is quite nice. It is far nicer than the snow we had the other day.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I was looking for words to describe how I feel. In preparing an English lesson plan I found the words that fit. Pingeline does kind of sum it up for me. You might be üllatuma that I am not my usual kasulik self. But oh, one day left until Grammar and Phonology are over and I do not feel the least bit üli, rõõmus, or kindel.

A phrase that might just fit the situation is Ma ei saavutanud edu.

Anyway, See rõõmustab mind väga, to say, Soovin sulle õnne.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

More Funny and Truth

I just could not pass these two up today. The first is another language mishap. It is quite funny though. The pragmatics.....


Here is a great one for the ages. Scientists and theorists of past have acknowledged the truth presented here.


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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Life is After All Funny

Well, it is April Fools day or something. It just does not seem to carry the same sting on a Palm Sunday. But nevertheless, American mass production (not actually done in America) will surely fill the gap. Of course on my calendar it lists April 1 as being April Fools day. It also still lists the religious holidays (for now). In addition, now get this one: it states today as daylight savings time beginning. Clocks one hour forward of course. I enjoyed reading that one. I wonder what else is in store for me this $-!-)&. And hopefully my calendar can give many more laughs cause I seem to be running dry lately.

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