- two-O's
- two-T's
- one-N
- and one-C
Well, the so-called business language in Europe is English. Here in Amsterdam about 98.9% of the people speak English. So one commonly sees English on a sign or written somewhere. But my discerning eye reveals the grammatical and spelling errors. I will admit that many American born, native English speakers are not the best at spelling and grammar either. A lot of them do not believe it to be that important either. I, on the other hand, do believe that it is important. I believe that things like this (and others) reveal the fabric of one's character and the essence of their being.
To write a word, one has to know a group of letters to write. To write a sentence one has to know how to arrange word-groupings in a fashion to be recognized by people. So one has to remember something in their mind. Why not then remember the correct way? Otherwise, you are filling your head with, well lies. Why not put truth into yourself? Why would you want to fill yourselves with lies when the truth is right there? However, one might say that they just add letters as they go, not knowing the correct grouping. Well, why you want to make up things as you go along? Quite honestly, you would be quite frustrated if everybody did that to their heart's content.
Why not strive to fill up on the truth. Why put in lies, make up junk, or wander through life aimlessly? The truth is not hard to find and it is free. Just remember that there is a test at the end of life, so study hard.