Texas Roadside
Texas is such a cool country. Someone in the government thought that it would be a good idea to put in free wireless internet at the rest areas. I can take a break from driving and check my e-mail because I might miss something important. Or I can blog about those crazy drivers who drive too slow or cut me off. Better yet, I can take a picture of them with my cell phone (while talking on it of course) and then post a picture of them along with some intimate thoughts.
I saw this sign aside the road earlier. It read, "Drive clean across Texas." Most people can read that and know what they were trying to say, "Do not litter." But if you grew up in Texas it means something different, "Drive all the way across Texas." They also could have said, "Drive clear across Texas" or "Drive plumb across Texas," and meant the same thing. I drove darn (pronounced dern) near across Texas once. I stopped at home about 40 miles fom Louisianna.
In addition, I am not sure why I am heading home anyway. There is a lot of cool stuff happening in the Dallas area this weekend. There is the state fair; where I hear folks get shot and whatnot. Also, there is a free air show in Fort Worth with a $10 parking fee. Of course if I was there I could sit in the backyard sipping something cool and see the air show. I have been watching the Navy jets practicing the past couple days. There is also all of that T.O. stuff as well. How cool???
This sign is not from a Texas roadside but it is pretty cool.