Hoofdstuk Uit
Well, it seems that it is September again; happens every year. It is a nice time of year. This month the temperature will drop below 100 degrees. Of course where I am at I do not have to worry about such things. Lately I have been working much. I have spent much time at the Shelter. I slept a bunch last week and this week not so much. Not much fun being so tired all day long. I have not had any adventures lately. I guess that last one to Zaandam wore me out or something... Soon I am to go home. I am not really wanting to leave. It is nice here and I have nothing to do at home except look for a job, and look and look. Maybe I will go home and be a bum. And maybe I will go and turn into a 9 to 5 working stiff and forget about all of the important stuff in life and struggle in the rat race like everybody else.

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