Estonian Fun

Today we got to travel around Northeastern Estonia a bit. We checked out an old castle. It was pretty cool to go all around a medeival castle and see what it was like. There were a few folks in costume and some artifacts as well. But mostly you got to just see the place. It had a simple construction, stone upon stone and it was quite large. But these stones too will find themselves to one day be tossed down to the ground. But we do not have to go along with them. If we build ourselves upon Jesus, the solid rock, we will be safe from destruction. Our hope will be in a place where moth and rust do not exist.

After the castle we went to a nice restaurant in the country. It is a great restaurant, but they were full so we went elsewhere. They were full as well so we were directed to another restaurant. This was a great place as well and conveniently located near the coast. The beach and folks were nice. The dinner was great. Afterwards we journeyed on to another place along the coast. We had a nice, short walk to the beach. It was nice though one could only see to the islands due to fog. We had a nice location on the point where the Russians had a lookout to catch anyone trying to escape. There are always reminders of things like that around Estonia. There are always reminders of God's goodness around as well. The berries in the forest are wonderful. The magnificance of the ocean is awe inspiring.
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