Movie Madness
I was having nothing to do since being back home so I decided to go to a movie. I scoured the internet to find the movie listings for the dollar show (actually it costs $1.50) in town. Much to my chagrin I could not find such listings. So then I checked the listings at the other dollar show (this costs $.50 before 6pm, can't beat that) in town. I did not see anything appetizing there. While catching up with a friend she stated that the dollar show had been shut down by the health department. She then recommended to me the new Shyamalan flick. So I went to the actually a dollar show and watched that film. My friend warned me that this movie was different, even for Shyamalan.
Different than his other films this one certainly was. I think that Night gave himself more screentime and even a vital role than in his other films. Also, I was surprised that this film took place in Philadelphia. I thought for sure Night had gotten over his agoraphobia and was going out to sunny California for a nice pat you on the back kind of a movie.
Maybe this is just me here, but this movie looks exactly like a farce. Yes and in the style of a Shyamalan movie. He is serious (at least seems that way) about everything that he does. So of course it will look like a stright up movie while really being a farce. All of the elements are there. Night also shows disdain for film critics, which coincidentally treated this movie badly. Shyamalan again shows his talent and skill for making a movie while making fun of us.
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