Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back Home Again

Again I left Amsterdam and flew home. Flying through London was a little more difficult this time. First, the carry-on is limited. Also, you have to have a physical before getting on the plane. Then, due to increased security mesures, as the pilot stated it, we had to sit on the plane for an hour before departing. Also confusing was 2 flights leaving to Dallas within 10 minutes of each other. I went to the wrong end of the terminal and then had to put on my skates, as the man said, to make it to the proper gate.

I did not want to leave at all this time. But I had to so I will make the best of it. I did not sleep prior to leaving. I instead packed and talked with some friends. The next thing that I knew it was past time to depart so I hurried off to the train station. This time someone accompanied me to the train station. That was pretty cool. Of all the times that I have left Amsterdam, this was the first for someone to see me off. I really appreciated it.

Being back home is not so inherently bad. I do not feel miserable, just like I would rather be somewhere else. The longer I am here, the more complacent that I feel.


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