What is Happening??

Just what is going on with this world? This game that has been around for a few years is really catching on to not only the youth in this land. The game, Guitar Hero; now in it's third installment. And that is not all. There are a few copy-cat and take-off games out there. This stuff is quite popular, even Parker and Stone ridiculed folks for their G-Hero likes in South Park. But for the holiday season Guitar Hero is being billed as a family game. Yes, family game! But take a look at the packaging and the advertisements. You know who that is? That is none other than Slash. We all remember him, right? Back in the day, he was billed as being satan. When I was a kid, he was satan. Anyone who listened to his music is going to hell. What changed? How can he be the face of family entertainment? No really, that wasn't rhetorical! What is going on?