Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Monday, December 17, 2007

What is This??

This was pretty cool, had to put it up.

So, I am trying to reckon just what has been going on with me. I am really not so sure. I spend my days trying to fill up my days. I did some reading mostly yesterday. But at times I was just restless and blank. I went for a walk around the house and tetanus laden lawn ornaments even though it was quite cold out. I have been thinking a bit but have not arrived at any conclusions. I had a job interview last week so I am hoping on that to come through. But I am not so sure just because the way things have been going for me. I have not been able to get a crap job but this seems like a 'dream job.' During the interview process I wanted to ask if they were for real or just yanking my chain. At any rate, this was another interview where I got to see some ultra-cool stuff. Which (to end on a good note) has reminded of how truly blessed I have been to see lots of great and wonderful things, places, and people.

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