Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Sunday, October 21, 2007

So It Comes to This...

Well, work is some good stuff. But for some reason, the toils of such can be at times rigorously grating. It seems particularly degrating cause I reap no krooners from my work. True, though, my 'work' has other motivations but the practical toils that I go through get no recompense. But one can chalk it up to being all one part, then one can say that it is all good. But it gets to me everytime a guest is not happy with something. Particularly grudging are when they are unhappy with the payment or not being able to stay longer. True, I have no problem saying no. But the guests have trouble hearing no. So it sags on me until when...



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