Well, lately I have been quite busy with work. This of course creates the need to have some time not at work. This need can be real pressing at times. Yesterday was just one of those times and it just happened that I had the day off, PTL. So after some needed rest, I headed out to Amstelveen. I was interested in the COBRA Museum. This is a pretty good place though they do have a lot of building for the amount of work that is available for viewing. The main (only) exhibit was about a Dutch painter, Corneille. I really enjoyed his work. I feel that he captured this land and life well. His drawings almost look abstract, but for a change I can see something in them. So I have also had some time to think lately. I am not sure of any conclusions that I have come to nor any that I need to come to. But I do feel that I have ruminated my mind a bit. I look forward to more. Amstelveen is also a cool place. They have a nice, seemingly new, square. There is a nice mall that is of course crafted into multiple buildings. I may venture back if the time comes my way.
Labels: contemplative, going
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