Well, wondering what to do. I decided, after some research and planning, that I would purchase a museum card. This is an investment for me since I do not get it for the discount price that most folks around here do. But I figured that the cost will force me to utilize it to its proper fulfillment.
Today I went to the photo museum in Amsterdam, Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. I like photos quite a bit so it seemed like a good first choice for usage of my crisp new museum card. They have an American photo exhibit there that will be departing soon. I had to check it out; Mitch Epstein. It features different photos that are taken from a couple of collections. Some show the photographers political endeavorings. But if you do not even take that into account you can see the pictures for their intrinsic beauty. The other photos and a short movie showcase the photographers parents. But this is to showcase the situation of the American dream. It is in a downfall; quite true.
There was another exhibit that is pretty cool. There are similiar scenes that were shot in three cities. They showcase the similarities of folks across the world in our lives. It is good and laid out well. Also, another out there exhibit of American youth. The room is laid out in darkness with speakers at each photo stand pelting out a decent tune. Somehow the youth of America has changed. I am no longer counted in that part. Somehow, I am no longer so young. How did this happen?
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