Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Monday, May 22, 2006

A new Week

Oh, we are in a new week. One day follows the other but yet another week is not something to scoff at. New things for this week are not that spectacular from what I can see. But good thing I am not looking for spectacular.

Speaking of not spectacular. I got another bike today. It seems a girl wanted the girl's bike so I got a non-girl's bike. This one is okay, but a bit smaller than the other. I guess I am used to it already but I am tired of these Holland specials. I am tired of pedaling my knees off and getting nowhere. A multi-speed bike is better than knee replacement surgery. But maybe the Dutch have good health plans.

Have a look at Jeremiah 34:1-6,21-22 and 39:5-10.
King Zedekiah was afraid of the nobles so he did not stand against them and heeded not Jeremiah's warnings. Then, as the Lord had spoken, the city of Jerusalem was taken by the Babylonians and the nobles were put to death and Zedekiah was taken to Babylonia and had his eyes put out.
Why would someone, knowing the power of the Lord, not follow His will? Zedekiah's fear kept him bound. Why live in fear? Why not follow the Allmighty, who prevails against men?


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