Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Not Much Going On

I have been sick the past 3 or 4 days, but still the show goes on. I slept more and worked the same. Lately, I have had the evening shifts. They are not too bad when it is not stinking busy. But when it is, one feels so understaffed. But when it is slow, one feels so, well slow and dreary. Maybe once I am well, evening work will not feel like a downer. I cannot think of much that has happened this weekend so I am rambling about being sick and work.

I did have a thought earlier today about the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is like the Kingdom of God in Heaven. The Kingdom of God is realized on Earth the same way that it is in Heaven. In Heaven, we will worship the Lord; that's it. When we make our life a living worship, the Kingdom of God is realized on Earth. Our Creator does not want us to wait until we get to heaven to fulfill the purpose which we were created for.


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