Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Friday, May 19, 2006

What Truth?

For the past week and some change I have been reading The Case for a Creator. It seems much longer than that though. Tomorrow will be two weeks since I graduated from college, yet it almost seems a distant memory. Back to the point though. This book is pretty informative as well as easy to read; Lee Strobel, the author, is a journalist. I find in this book that many things that we have been taught are not true. The scientific items printed in our textbooks are just not true or presented with more emphasis than they require. One thing, is that Darwinism has been proven wrong for the most part and not so widely accepted. That may not be an insight to many but other things in the book make you wonder.

Java man, an 'ape-man' discovered in 1891 has been deemed as human, not a part of the missing link in the ape to human chain. A forgery and decisively poor science methodology is represented in Ernst Haeckel's embryo drawings. They were basically fake, the book goes into the ins and outs of this 'revelation.' The pensiveness about this is that Haeckel's contemporaries knew of this. Yet a hundred years after his drawings, his work is being printed in textbooks as fact.

There are some interesting historical 'misleadings' presented as well. Strobel brings forth that prior to Copernicus people did not believe that the Earth was the center of the universe. The prevailing thought was that more of Dante and an Aristotle view of the universe. Something that is almost shocking is the claim that prior to Columbus, the European world did not believe that the world was flat. They knew of the Earth as a sphere. Furthermore, the Greeks knew of this a thousand years prior.

The point of all of this is to analyze what you believe. If you find yourself basing your life on things that can or have been proven untrue, then what are you left with? Do you view your life as meaningless? If so then it is fine to let other people not only think for you but to give you a script to life.


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