Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Day of Peace

Today is such a beautiful day. It is just gorgeous outside. Yes a bit cold and quite windy. But the sky is so clear; not a cloud in sight. The sky is vibrantly full of colors. One can see far off into the distance at gorgeous vistas. Yes, this is the day that the Lord has made.

We all seek peace, right? We seek it in our daily lives and for our family and friends. Also, we desire it for our whole lives. We want it in our habitat and in the country that we live in. In fact, we would like to see it in the whole world around us. Many people work towards this in different ways. Many organizations that cross borders and cultures are set up for this purpose. Yet where is it? It is even rarely found in your home much less in any country. What would you do for peace? Would you welcome it in the world. If right now it was offered over a portion of the world, would you welcome it with open arms? Would you? How many things of great importance do you grasp without thought and examination? Did you not seek out a good car and the right home; things that you can resell or trade? What about peace, something that you cannot pawn off if you find that it is not right?

In all matters, we should definitely think. Peace, Shalom and the like.


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