Life 2.012 SP1

musings and at times raving of the incoherency of the world to my mind

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Yesterday was a nice sunny day that was not cold like a few have been lately. I decided to go on down to the art show. There were a bunch of bronze sculptures and some paintings and a few of the like. The sculptures were very nice, especially one titled Apostle. It was a very nice piece of bronze depicting a Native American. It was interesting, he had tribal and Christian symbols. There were also some very nice student paintings. But that is to be expected since only the finalists were displayed. The Keller Town Hall had some nice sculptures as part of their regular regalia. One is greeted out front by a lifesize man on a horse and his two hounds. There is also some sculptures out back by the paths around the pond. Even there is a Picaso-like work there as well.


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